Steady Your Hand


originally written 9.6.17 @ 7:40 pm

Solipsism: the view or theory that the self is all that can be known to exist.

It is funny how perception is everything. Two people could experience the exact same moment and yet describe two completely different experiences. Happiness has always been a struggle for me and it is just as simple as changing my thought process, how I perceive the world around me. Some believe you just have to smile all the time to eventually wear a sincere smile. But, I smiled the most when at my lowest. I smiled in hopes to fight off the loneliness. In order for my perception of reality to be joyful and beyond content I need to do more than just smile all the time – I need to adjust my thinking and perceive the atmosphere around me without the vices that harm me. Examples of those vices would be self-centered fear, loathing, illogical thinking, etc. I spent years indulging in philosophy – the study of truth. I became so caught up in finding that truth, the Truth, that I never realized there is no one way to view the Truth. Truth will never be able to be relayed through my mind or to another because words warp it. My perception warps it. How I view the Truth is not how someone else sees it. If I can never quite grasp truth, stuck constantly looking through it, than why not harness it to my benefit and create happiness out of my version of truth? This way, no matter where I may find myself I am consistent among the consistency of change. If I demand contentment and happiness from my perceived truth than that is what I will receive. How truth is viewed by a being may change but, Truth ultimately is fixed.

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