Motto of a Marauder

heaven-and-hell-8originally written 9.17.17 @ 8 pm

Every virtue has an opposing vice to pair up with. A wise man once stated that neither excess nor abstinence renders a man happy. For every virtue I posses I also fall victim to its counterpart. With love, I fall hard into lust, then tend to blur the two and mesh them into one. Eventually, the vice takes over and I conclude there is no such thing as love; only lust, tolerance, and admiration wrapped up with respect. One confusion though, to hold on to a virtue, or even own one, you must practice that desired virtue. Like a craft, to master it you must work at it continuously. Vices are fairly easy and timidly successful to encompass. They also seem more appealing. Why work towards love when you can experience lust and infatuation immediately? Virtues are earned through hard work and callused hands. Vices are seductively more desirable, yearned for and chased after. Patience verse impulse, strength verse slight of hand. Hard work or wishful luck and chance? One chooses to be blind to the greatest distinction between the two – virtues only strengthen, they will never harm one’s being. Vices seem to demand a sacrifice or a price, they eventually fall short and cause a heavy feeling. A feeling of transparency, a loss of gratification. Only then will some turn towards virtue while others will then utilize and exhaust their next vice.

“There’s a freight-liner coming to steal away my mind, and take me to whatever comfort I may find. She said marauder, marauder don’t you be like your father.
Marauder, marauder, don’t you lead a life of crime.
marauder, marauder, please be a better man.
Marauder, marauder, don’t you leave no tracks behind.”  – Jesse Stewart

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