Parallel Travels

originally written 9.23.17 @ 2pm

Everything occuring for a reason, determinism, can be a difficult concept to grasp. It can also be an easy one to understand and believe. The small moments do not appear to be of importance until you indulge in nostalgia. In hindsight, every little moment and the exact timing that has to take place has brought me to where I am today. Every step another being has to take in order to cross paths with me and make an impact on my life, and vise versa, can not be of coincidence. It also makes me wonder who I impact with out my knowledge. On occasion, a song will play and someone who has crossed my path in the distant past stumbles through my mind. I reminisce about the individual and wonder where they are in the present moment, how they may be feeling. It causes me to wonder who may be thinking of me – what moment shared is someone briefly stuck on? Is there someone out there thinking of me, someone who’s name and existence I do not even know of? I wish there was a way of acknowledging when I am in someone’s thoughts and how they percieve me, out of curiousity. Curious as to how I may have influenced another being, how my existence served a purpose in their path and to get them to where they are today. Who, where and why? Personally, I can look back and think of strangers who have impacted the timing and reasoning to every moment in my life – instilled in order to impact the following moment. Minute to minute, moment to moment, it all becomes relevant and of significance. Just being is of purpose.

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