High Water

Storm Surge, Not Wind, Is the Deadliest Part of a Hurricane | HowStuffWorks

Originally written 7.16.17 & 7.24.17

The wind rustles through the trees, whispering wants and needs that bring me to my knees.

Electricity in the air becomes more erratic, the cravings stay steady through the static.

Hazy and heavy, my vision turns smoky as my agenda becomes low key.

Onshore winds begin to gust, blowing in my yearning and lust.

The damp air hits my face, my mind fantasizes about the steady chase.

Rain is copious and cold, shame and guilt set in as the game grows old.

High waters rise with the tide, my hopes and dreams are breaking down along the roadside.

Traveling at high speeds, I allow him to grab the wheel and lead.

Out running the storm, racing against time, was I ever destined to shine?

Decisions are stone cold and rash, from the beginning it was irrefutable that I will crash.

Once all that was salted away is spent, I will be found alone and insolvent.

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